Starbucks Matcha vs Homemade Matcha

Starbucks Matcha ❌ VS. Homemade Matcha ✅

If you know me, you know that matcha is my go-to morning beverage, however there are some matcha drinks (Starbucks, for example) that are labeled quote "healthy" for you.

A medium Starbucks matcha contains up to 32 grams of sugar (a 16 oz coke contains 39 grams of sugar....) and only half of it is ACTUALLY matcha... it's literally powder and sugar. It also contains more caffeine. Too much caffeine can cause anxiety, resulting in a spike in cortisol/blood-sugar, along with imbalanced hormones.

On the flip side, making your matcha at home is so much better for you!!! I personally use pique sun goddess matcha (the highest quality + quadruple toxin screened!) and/or other organic/ceremonial grade matchas, and they all contain 0 grams of sugar....! 🙂

Matcha contains incredible benefits including:

-high in antioxidants/polyphenols, which stabilize free radicals. Free radicals damage cells and can trigger chronic disease.

-has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety (slower release of caffeine, which gives you sustained amount of energy throughout the day, without it triggering hormone imbalance)

+ more!

I still LOVE the taste of coffee (coffee has benefits as well) but I've fallen in love with matcha because of the sustained energy boost I feel + all of the amazing benefits.

Have you tried matcha? I'd love to hear your thoughts/feedback 😊 ⬇️


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